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Hand Crafted Candles


    We are a family owned and operated candle manufacturing business dedicated to make high quality crafts in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Our giftware line has been in the market for decades but we now offer our designer line that has the flexibility of custom designs and name dropping. We produce high quality hand crafted gifts with natural products, native artisans paint the containers and create all our designs in house. Let us create the customized candle you need.


    Earthware Scented Candles

    These candles are individually hand carved and glazed in four different colors and six different hand carvings. Candles are filled with soy wax and scented with Cinnamon Sicks, Rockies Pine, Santa Fe Spice and Clean Cotton. Other scents available.


    Etched Designer Scented Candles

    These candles can be name dropped and we also provide customs designs. We have an assortment of designs but you can give us the symbols that sell in your area. The candles are filled with soy wax and the scents we carrie are: Cinnamon Sticks, Rockies Pine, Santa Fe Spice and Clean Cotton. Size: 2 and 5/8″ diameter x 2 and 3/8″ hight.


    Hand Painted Pillars Scented Candles

    These candles are made with pillar wax and custom designs are available. We offer four different scents: Cinnamon Sticks, Rockies Pine, Santa Fe Spice. Other scents available.


    Designer Scented Candles

    Offering a variety of designs and custom designs including name dropping for you specific territory. The ceramic container is 4″x 4″x 2 and it is filled with natural burning wax. We offer Cinnamon Sticks, Rockie Mountain Pine, Santa Fe spice and Clean Cotton scents. Other scents available.


    Territorial Scented Candles

    Representing the spirit of the Southwest. Containers are hand painted by Native American artisans  and individually hand carved in New Mexico. Containers are filled with natural burning wax for a cleaner and more efficient burn.

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